quickdraw API


class quickdraw.QuickDrawData(recognized=None, max_drawings=1000, refresh_data=False, jit_loading=True, print_messages=True, cache_dir='./.quickdrawcache')[source]

Allows interaction with the Google Quick, Draw! data set, downloads Quick Draw data from https://storage.googleapis.com/quickdraw_dataset/full/binary/ and loads it into memory for easy access and processing.

The following example will load the anvil drawings and get a single drawing:

from quickdraw import QuickDrawData

qd = QuickDrawData()

anvil = qd.get_drawing("anvil")
  • recognized (bool) – If True only recognized drawings will be loaded, if False only unrecognized drawings will be loaded, if None (the default) both recognized and unrecognized drawings will be loaded.
  • max_drawings (int) – The maximum number of drawings to be loaded into memory, defaults to 1000.
  • refresh_data (bool) – If True forces data to be downloaded even if it has been downloaded before, defaults to False.
  • jit_loading (bool) – If True (the default) only downloads and loads data into memory when it is required (jit = just in time). If False all drawings will be downloaded and loaded into memory.
  • print_messages (bool) – If True (the default), status messages will be printed stating when data is being downloaded or loaded.
  • cache_dir (string) – Specify a cache directory to use when downloading data files, defaults to ./.quickdrawcache.
get_drawing(name, index=None)[source]

Get a drawing.

Returns an instance of QuickDrawing representing a single Quick, Draw drawing.

  • name (string) – The name of the drawing to get (anvil, ant, aircraft, etc).
  • index (int) –

    The index of the drawing to get.

    If None (the default) a random drawing will be returned.


Get a group of drawings by name.

Returns an instance of QuickDrawDataGroup.

Parameters:name (string) – The name of the drawings (anvil, ant, aircraft, etc).

Loads (and downloads if required) all drawings into memory.


Loads (and downloads if required) all drawings into memory.

Parameters:list_of_drawings (list) – A list of the drawings to be loaded (anvil, ant, aircraft, etc).
search_drawings(name, key_id=None, recognized=None, countrycode=None, timestamp=None)[source]

Search the drawings.

Returns an list of QuickDrawing instances representing the matched drawings.

Note - search criteria are a compound.

Search for all the drawings with the countrycode “PL”

from quickdraw import QuickDrawDataGroup

anvils = QuickDrawDataGroup("anvil")
results = anvils.search_drawings(countrycode="PL")
  • name (string) – The name of the drawings (anvil, ant, aircraft, etc) to search.
  • key_id (int) – The key_id to such for. If None (the default) the key_id is not used.
  • recognized (bool) – To search for drawings which were recognized. If None (the default) recognized is not used.
  • countrycode (int) – To search for drawings which with the countrycode. If None (the default) countrycode is not used.
  • countrycode – To search for drawings which with the timestamp. If None (the default) timestamp is not used.

Returns a list of all the potential drawing names.


Returns a list of drawing which have been loaded into memory.


class quickdraw.QuickDrawDataGroup(name, recognized=None, max_drawings=1000, refresh_data=False, print_messages=True, cache_dir='./.quickdrawcache')[source]

Allows interaction with a group of Quick, Draw! drawings.

The following example will load the ant group of drawings and get a single drawing:

from quickdraw import QuickDrawDataGroup

ants = QuickDrawDataGroup("ant")
ant = ants.get_drawing()
  • name (string) – The name of the drawings to be loaded (anvil, ant, aircraft, etc).
  • recognized (bool) – If True only recognized drawings will be loaded, if False only unrecognized drawings will be loaded, if None (the default) both recognized and unrecognized drawings will be loaded.
  • max_drawings (int) – The maximum number of drawings to be loaded into memory, defaults to 1000.
  • refresh_data (bool) – If True forces data to be downloaded even if it has been downloaded before, defaults to False.
  • print_messages (bool) – If True (the default), status messages will be printed stating when data is being downloaded or loaded.
  • cache_dir (string) – Specify a cache directory to use when downloading data files, defaults to ./.quickdrawcache.

Get a drawing from this group.

Returns an instance of QuickDrawing representing a single Quick, Draw drawing.

Get a single anvil drawing:

from quickdraw import QuickDrawDataGroup

anvils = QuickDrawDataGroup("anvil")
anvil = anvils.get_drawing()
Parameters:index (int) –

The index of the drawing to get.

If None (the default) a random drawing will be returned.

search_drawings(key_id=None, recognized=None, countrycode=None, timestamp=None)[source]

Searches the drawings in this group.

Returns an list of QuickDrawing instances representing the matched drawings.

Note - search criteria are a compound.

Search for all the drawings with the countrycode “PL”

from quickdraw import QuickDrawDataGroup

anvils = QuickDrawDataGroup("anvil")
results = anvils.search_drawings(countrycode="PL")
  • key_id (int) – The key_id to such for. If None (the default) the key_id is not used.
  • recognized (bool) – To search for drawings which were recognized. If None (the default) recognized is not used.
  • countrycode (int) – To search for drawings which with the countrycode. If None (the default) countrycode is not used.
  • countrycode – To search for drawings which with the timestamp. If None (the default) timestamp is not used.

Returns the number of drawings loaded.


An iterator of all the drawings loaded in this group. Returns a QuickDrawing object.

Load the anvil group of drawings and iterate through them:

from quickdraw import QuickDrawDataGroup

anvils = QuickDrawDataGroup("anvil")
for anvil in anvils.drawings:


class quickdraw.QuickDrawing(name, drawing_data)[source]

Represents a single Quick, Draw! drawing.

get_animation(stroke_color=(0, 0, 0), stroke_width=2, bg_color=(255, 255, 255))[source]

Returns a QuickDrawAnimation instance representing the an animation of the QuickDrawing being created.

  • stroke_color (int) – A list of RGB (red, green, blue) values for the stroke color, defaults to (0,0,0).
  • stroke_color – A width of the stroke, defaults to 2.
  • bg_color (list) – A list of RGB (red, green, blue) values for the background color, defaults to (255,255,255).
get_image(stroke_color=(0, 0, 0), stroke_width=2, bg_color=(255, 255, 255))[source]

Get a PIL Image object of the drawing.

  • stroke_color (int) – A list of RGB (red, green, blue) values for the stroke color, defaults to (0,0,0).
  • stroke_color – A width of the stroke, defaults to 2.
  • bg_color (list) – A list of RGB (red, green, blue) values for the background color, defaults to (255,255,255).

Returns a QuickDrawAnimation instance representing the an animation of the QuickDrawing on a white background with a black drawing. Alternative image parameters can be set using get_animation().

To save the animation you would use the save method:

from quickdraw import QuickDrawData

qd = QuickDrawData()

anvil = qd.get_drawing("anvil")

Returns the country code for the drawing.


Returns a PIL Image object of the drawing on a white background with a black drawing. Alternative image parameters can be set using get_image().

To save the image you would use the save method:

from quickdraw import QuickDrawData

qd = QuickDrawData()

anvil = qd.get_drawing("anvil")

Returns the raw image data as list of strokes with a list of X co-ordinates and a list of Y co-ordinates.

Co-ordinates are aligned to the top-left hand corner with values from 0 to 255.

See https://github.com/googlecreativelab/quickdraw-dataset#simplified-drawing-files-ndjson for more information regarding how the data is represented.


Returns the id of the drawing.


Returns the name of the drawing (anvil, aircraft, ant, etc).


Returns the number of pen strokes used to create the drawing.


Returns a boolean representing whether the drawing was recognized.


Returns a list of pen strokes containing a list of (x,y) coordinates which make up the drawing.

To iterate though the strokes data use:

from quickdraw import QuickDrawData

qd = QuickDrawData()

anvil = qd.get_drawing("anvil")
for stroke in anvil.strokes:
    for x, y in stroke:
        print("x={} y={}".format(x, y)) 

Returns the time the drawing was created (in seconds since the epoch).


class quickdraw.QuickDrawAnimation(quick_drawing, stroke_color, stroke_width, bg_color)[source]

Represents an animation of a QuickDrawing.

While an instance can be created directly it is typically returned by QuickDrawing.get_animation() or QuickDrawing.animation().

To save the animation you would use the save method:

from quickdraw import QuickDrawData

qd = QuickDrawData()

anvil = qd.get_drawing("anvil")
save(filename, frame_length=0.1, loop_times=0)[source]

Save’s the animation to a given filename.

  • filename (string) – The filename or path to save the animation. The filetype must be gif.
  • frame_length (int) – The time in seconds between each frame, defaults to 0.1.
  • loop_times (int) – The number of times the animation should loop. A value of 0 will result in the animation looping forever. A value of None will result in the animation not looping. The default is 0.

Returns a list PIL Image objects of the animation.